Latest News & Events
Thank you Billy
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank Billy and his family for the generous donation of £510. This money will all go towards helping us...
Sarah Jane Cairns
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank Sarah Jane, family, friends and all her supporters who helped make the fundraiser such a success...
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank John Robertson and friends for holding a music night in The Northern Way Bar Irvine who donated...
Quiz Night
Irvine and Troon cancer Care would like to thank Irvine Water Sports Club for allowing us to hold our night. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets...
RUA Life Sciences
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank the team for voting us to be their Charity of The Year . Over the last year through various events...
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care are holding a quiz night:Friday 29th September Irvine Water Sports Club, Harbour Street Irvine Time: 7pm for 7.30...
Troon Welbeck Golf Club
Irvine and Troon would like to thank the Troon Welbeck Golf Club for the kind donation to us today of £510.
Fashion Show
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank Jennifer from The Dressing Room for supporting our Fashion Show which raised £1120.00
UPM Communication Papers, Irvine
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank and congratulate the CHP (Combined Heat & Power Plant) Shutdown Team for their excellent work...
Stewarton Academy
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to congratulate Stewarton Academy pupils Joscelyn, Elizabeth, Beth, Ava & Ruby for winning £3000 for...
Irvine Royal Academy
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank the pupils of Irvine Royal Academy for winning the YPI project and receiving a cheque for £3000 for...
Local MSP visits Irvine and Troon Cancer care
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care were delighted to receive a visit today from Ruth Maguire MSP. Ruth was keen to learn the workings of the charity and...
Greenwood Academy
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to say a massive thank you to Greenwood Academy pupils Sarah, Brooke and Hannah for their excellent...
Marr Cappella Concert
Irvine and Troon Cancer Care would like to thank Marr Cappella for choosing us as the charity of the year. They held a concert in St Meddans Church...
Morrison’s Troon
We would like to thank Morrison's Store Troon for allowing us to hold a bucket collection in December. With the support of the staff and customers...
Tesco Store Irvine
We would like to thank Tesco Store Irvine for allowing us to hold a bucket collection in December. With the support of the staff and customers...