Latest News & Events
We are urgently looking for volunteers to work in our office. It is only for 3 hours each week and full training will be given. If you are...
Thank you to The Ayrshire Community Trust for choosing us as their charity of the month.
Troon Coastal Rowing Club
We have to say a massive thank you to Troon Coastal Rowing club for their generous donation of £2346.78. This was raised by their members rowing on...
Volnteers Required
We are urgently looking for people to volunteer in our office. This would initially be to cover for absences but might eventually lead to a regular...
Ramsdens supporting our charity
RAMSDENS, IRVINE BRANCH, have chosen us as their local charity for their new Loose Change initiative. If you can please give all your foreign...
Easyfundraising – Support us when you shop Online
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday then you could be generating a donation for Irvine...
Success – Irvine Participatory Budget Event – 2nd June 2018
Many thanks to everyone who came along and voted for us at the above event. We were successful in obtaining our funding request of £1500. This...
Success – North Ayrshire Provost's Civic Pride Awards 2016
On Friday 18th March at the North Ayrshire Provost's Civic Pride Awards Dinner, Irvine & Troon Cancer Care won the "Community Group Award"...